Wednesday, January 30, 2008


Feedback - 23 Things Online Learning Program:

The 23 things experience has broaden my perspective of communication and information delivery. This was a very engaging and inspiring experience, one that has given me the courage to embrace new technologies and inspired me to explore and investigate new discoveries without any apprehension. The 23 Things Learning Project has also galvanized the efforts of the staff members to unite and succeed as a group across all campuses. This learning program was a great asset to building team spirit among the library staff.

I envisage using many of these Social Software tools in my present and the future work environment as well as with leisure activities.

Thursday, January 24, 2008


Read about Second Lief and how Libraries are using it:

Second Life is a Virtual World, built and owned by its users. According to the University Medical Centre Groningan, within this Virtual World, participants:

· Meet each other

· Interact, compete, collaborate, learn from and talk to each other

· Engage in Distant Learning

· Establish Virtual Communication

· Go anywhere and do anything

Second Life has established new frontiers for educators (including librarians) who are looking for ways of dissemination information and making learning a more engaging and interactive experience. However, these new frontiers come with new challenges and problems, and it is exciting to observe as these unfold.

In attempting to understand how Second Life operate and what challenges and problems may be encountered, I signed up and successfully downloaded the software but was unable to gain access. It appeared that access was no longer granted through Swinburne University’s server. I tried several times, but access was denied. I gave up trying, and just resorted to reading about the experiences of those who are current participants or thse who had previously shared in the Second Life experience.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Week 11 : Podcasts!

Find and Listen to a Podcast or two:
From Google I located a number of podcasts for conference papers from the VALA Conference held in Melbourne in 2006. I attended one day of this conference and enjoyed many interesting and informative presentations but would have liked to hear other presentations which were delivered simultaneously with the ones I had chosen. Now I am able to listen to the ones I missed. It is much easier to listen to the podcasts rather than to read the pdf version of these papers. You can check out these podcasts at the following address: